CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Chardonnay 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Chardonnay 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Chardonnay 2017

CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Chardonnay 2017

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產品編號 / Product Code : ACH-004W


產品描述 :

產酒國 / 地區 – 澳洲, 阿德萊德

類型 - 乾白葡萄酒

葡萄釀製 –莎當妮

容量 / 酒精度 / 酸度 – 750ml / 13% / pH 3.19 / TA 6.16

品嘗筆記 – 色澤 : 閃爍金黄蜜糖色調中帶微稻草綠色.

香氣 : 甜瓜, 油桃 及 柑橘花香.

口味 : 迷人鮮白桃, 帶清爽檸檬柑橘酸度, 淡淡橡木氣息.

感覺 : 輕至中度酒體. 果香及酸度平衡. 適合現時飲用. 存放一段時間後,

應會展現出果仁, 奶油蛋卷風味, 亦轉為烤杏仁金黄色調.

配餐 : 鯛魚, 藍蟹, 烤雞, 作配餐酒. 冷凍約912度飲用為佳.

特色 : 此酒使用天然酵母發酵, 經6個月在木桶中熟成, 使口感層次提高.

適飲期 : 2018 - 2022


Description :

Country / Region – Australia, Adelaide

Wine Type – Dry White

Grape Variety - Chardonnay

Taste Note -

Colour: Bright straw green with light honey tint.

Nose: Zesty & youthful with melon, nectarine and spices with

an element of citrus flowers.

Palate: Low oak usage highlights pristine white peach with crisp citric

acidity with length and richness. Drink now but some bottle maturation

will allow the development of nuts and brioche.

Foods: Pairing with blue crab or snapper or roast chicken.

Drink for 9 to 12 degree in chill.

Vol / Alcohol & Spec.: 750ml, 13%, pH 3.19, TA 6.16

Remarks: This wine has 6 months in oak barrel for maturation, use of natural yeasts to enhance texture. Light malolactic fermentation adds depth and softness acidity.

Drinking window : 2018 - 2022