CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Shiraz 2016 / 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Shiraz 2016 / 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Shiraz 2016 / 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Shiraz 2016 / 2017

CLARENCE HILL - Yellow Label Shiraz 2016 / 2017

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產品編號 / Product Code : ACH-006R


產品描述 :

產酒國 / 地區 – 澳洲, 阿德萊德

類型 – 乾紅葡萄酒

葡萄釀製 – 西拉

容量 / 酒精度 / 酸度– 750ml / 14.5% / pH 3.53 / TA 6.2

品嘗筆記 – 色澤 : 深櫻桃紅寶石色,

香氣 : 濃厚黑加侖, 桑葚, 覆盆子等黑及紅色水果氣息.

並帶輕巧摩卡咖啡, 香料, 橡木香.

口味 : 豐富成熟黑色水果味於口腔內. 帶有淡然木桶餘韻.

感覺 : 偏厚酒體, 酸度與單寧平衡. 有層次感.

配餐 : 牛、羊烤扒. 烤炖肉類.

特色 – 較清凉天氣及雨水為2017年份我們產區的葡萄帶來出色成熟度.

此酒加入極少量歌海娜及丹魄尼龍葡萄作引, 以增加酒中層次體會.

可存放多一段時間, 以發展較突出表現. 葡萄來自澳洲的阿德萊德內三大產區 -

蘭好樂溪, 金錢溪, 麥克垃倫谷, 自家莊園混釀. 6個月在木桶中熟成.

建議開瓶後15-20分鐘才飲用, 有更好效果.


Description :

Country / Region – Australia, Adelaide

Wine Type – Dry Red

Grape Variety - Shiraz

Taste Note -

Colour: Deep ruby, cherry red.

Nose: Fresh lifted darker mulberry, black current, raspberry, black & red

fruit and a light mocha aromatic is nicely weighted by cedar oak.

Palate: Medium to full bodied with fresh, crisp acidity and nice length of fruit.

Persistent finish with long fruity after taste and lingering oak.

Foods: Steak, lamb roasts and hearty stews.

Vol / Alcohol & Spec.: 750ml, 14.5%, pH 3.53, TA 6.2

Remarks: The 2017 vintage was excellent in all our regions with excellent

ripeness and acidity as a result of a cool season with rainfall. Some minor

varieties including Grenache and Tempranillo add a layer of complexity

to easy drinking Shiraz. Grapes are sourced from our vineyards in the

Adelaide wine region from Langhorne Creek, Currency Creek and McLaren Vale. Around 6 months in oak barrel for maturation. For better result, suggest to drink after 15-20 minutes of bottle opened.