CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Shiraz 2018
CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Shiraz 2018
CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Shiraz 2018
CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Shiraz 2018
CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Shiraz 2018

CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Shiraz 2018

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產品編號 / Product Code : ACH-008R


產品描述 :

產酒國 / 地區 – 澳洲, 麥拿倫谷

類型 – 乾紅葡萄酒

葡萄釀製 – 西拉

容量 / 酒精度 / 酸度– 750ml / 14.5% / pH 3.54 / TA 5.95

品嘗筆記 – 色澤 : 深紅寶石, 黑櫻桃帶紫紅色調,

香氣 : 成熟藍莓, 摩卡咖啡, 麥芽黑甘草, 紫羅蘭, 黑胡椒, 皮革, 雪松木香.

口味 : 首先有豐富成熟布冧, 黑加侖, 桑椹果味, 再帶有雲尼拿籽, 可可豆,

煙燻木桶收結. 酸度平衡而單寧順滑. 口感飽滿而有層次感.

感覺 : 厚身酒體, 結實且細緻, 勁度與餘韻悠長. 建議開瓶後在45~60, 75~90,

120分鐘左右飲用, 享受不同層次變化效果.

配餐 : 烤牛扒, 羊胺, 燒鴨 等菜式 或 單獨品嘗.

特色 – 經木桶儲存24個月, 當中約35%為新法國及美國橡木桶. 具陳放潛力.

采用DIAM木塞封瓶. 酒莊限量生產, 每瓶有獨立編號.



Taste Note -


Colour:Deep ruby with dark cherry and purple red hue.

Nose: Ripe blueberry fruits with mocha, malt dark liquorice &

black pepper. Spiciness and some new leather add interest

along with cedar oak complexity.

Palate: Full bodied in style. Firm tannin with dark plum,

blackcurrent and mulberry in palate with hint of vanilla and cedar.

Powerful & detailed structure, well balanced acidity and long finish.

Foods: Grill steak or lamb chop, BBQ duck.

Vol / Alcohol & Spec.: 750ml, 14.5%, pH 3.54, TA 5.95

Remarks: With 24 months in oak barrel which uses around 35%

new French & American oak barrel. This wine has produced well

structured that have medium to long term cellaring potential. Sealed

under DIAM cork. Ideally decant on opening and allow to breathe for

a hour or two. Suggest to taste in every 15 minutes after an hour

bottle breath.

Limited produce on this vintage, each bottle with individual number.