CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017

CLARENCE HILL - Black Label Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2017

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Deep cherry red with purple and
brick red hue.
Fresh and lifted with hints of ripe
plum and red currant augmented
with nutty, slightly cigar
box like
oak and a light herbal lift.
Full and rich with fine grained
new oak tannin and balanced
acidity with a crunchy cassis
nuance. Complex dry red notes
backed by richness but needing
some time to come together.
This vintage has produced well
structured, wines that have
medium to long term cellaring
potential. Sealed under DIAM cork.
Ideally decant on opening and
allow to breathe for a hour or two.
Cassoulet or confit duck. Roast
lamb and potato with carrot.
Alcohol: 14.0% , pH 3.63, TA 5.8
Bottles produced: 1662hhhhhhh
Deep cherry red with purple and
brick red hue.
Fresh and lifted with hints of ripe
plum and red currant augmented
with nutty, slightly cigar
box like
oak and a light herbal lift.
Full and rich with fine grained
new oak tannin and balanced
acidity with a crunchy cassis
nuance. Complex dry red notes
backed by richness but needing
some time to come together.
This vintage has produced well
structured, wines that have
medium to long term cellaring
potential. Sealed under DIAM cork.
Ideally decant on opening and
allow to breathe for a hour or two.
Cassoulet or confit duck. Roast
lamb and potato with carrot.
Alcohol: 14.0% , pH 3.63, TA 5.8
Bottles produced: 1662

產品編號 / Product Code : ACH-009R


產品描述 :

產酒國 / 地區 – 澳洲, 麥拿倫谷

類型 – 乾紅葡萄酒

葡萄釀製 – 赤霞珠

容量 / 酒精度 / 酸度– 750ml / 14.0% / pH 3.63 / TA 5.8

品嘗筆記 – 色澤 : 深紅寶石, 黑櫻桃帶磚紅色調,

香氣 : 成熟布冧, 黑莓, 覆盆子等紅色黑色醬果氣息. 帶烘杏仁, 雪茄木盒香.

口味 : 首先迎來豐厚而成熟黑加侖, 黑醋栗, 紅櫻桃, 李子, 再有朱古力咖啡豆,

煙燻木桶收結. 酸度平衡而單寧順滑.

感覺 : 偏厚酒體, 結構細緻, 充滿勁度與餘韻. 建議開瓶後在45~60, 75~90,

120分鐘左右飲用, 享受不同層次變化效果.

配餐 : 燒烤, 牛、羊肉類, 炖燜鴨肉 等菜式 或 單獨品嘗.

特色 - 單一老葡萄園, 經木桶儲存24個月, 當中超過25%為新法國及美國橡木桶.

具陳放潛力. 采用DIAM木塞封瓶. 酒莊限量生產, 每瓶有獨立編號.



Taste Note -


Colour: Deep ruby with dark cherry and brick red hue.

Nose: Fresh and lifted with hints of ripe plum and red & black currant augmented with nutty, slightly cigar box like oak and a light herbal lift.

Palate: Full bodied in style. Rich with fine grained new oak tannin and balanced acidity with a crunchy cassis nuance. Complex dry red notes backed by richness but needing some time to come together.

Foods: Cassoulet or confit duck. Grill steak, roast lamb.

Vol / Alcohol & Spec.: 750ml, 14.0%, pH 3.63, TA 5.8

Remarks: Single old vineyard, With 24 months in oak barrel which uses

over 25% new French & American barrel. This vintage has produced well structured, wines that have medium to long term cellaring potential. Sealed under DIAM cork. Ideally decant on opening and allow to breathe for a hour or two. Suggest to taste in every 15 minutes after an hour bottle breath.

Limited produce on this vintage, each bottle with individual number.